L.C.A. Home Page......

This is a small web site made to give people a better view of what the Leaving Certificate Applied course is all about.  I have divided up the web into each subject with different aspects of LCA on each page.

What is Leaving Cert Applied ? It is a different course, another way of doing the Leaving Cert for people who aren't very academic in school.  It teaches more every day things and constructive activities.  Have a look at the rest of the site and see for yourself.

All About LCA

Outdoor Activities:

Social Education: 




Contemporary Issues:Health Education:Irish:Religion:French:Maths:Career


Over all I think LCA is a great idea, because it gives you a chance to do well in the Leaving Cert.  It also gives us the chance to get a decent job that you might not have got the points in the normal Leaving Cert.


© Dan Butler 2000