The words "Socrates" and "Comenius" are familiar today to most of our teachers and students and are synonymous with interesting tasks, international communications and new friendships. We were lucky to become involved in a Comenius Action 1 Project following a contact seminar held in Bratislava in January 1998. Gymnázium Jana Papanka (formerly Gymnázium Vazovova 6, Slovakia), Gymnázium Ludvíka Svobodu (Slovakia), I.E.S. Margarita Salas (Spain) and St. Aidan’s C.B.S. (Ireland) formed a partnership and agreed to carry out a European Education Project over the following three years. The title chosen for the project was "Our Lives: A comparison of School Life and Leisure Activities. The Ideal European School and Lifestyle." Funding for the project is provided by the E.U. through the National Agency in each country. The National Agency (Leargas in Ireland) also provides help and support for all schools participating in the programme. As the project has progressed it has gained momentum with more students and teachers becoming involved all the time. Through participation all have grown in awareness of the similarities and diversities of the different cultures. As well as learning from the specific tasks of the project many students have entered into personal correspondence with each other and teachers are exploring various teaching methods and materials. New technology is playing an increasing role in the project. The success of the project is further reflected in the fact that three transnational meetings have been held in its first year and the Principals of three of the schools have undertaken Special Study Visits to different countries. Overall Comenius has added a very rewarding dimension to the lives of those involved in it and there are great hopes for the future of the project.
Monica Mahon |
Copyright © 1999 St Aidans CBS Email: aidancbs@iol.ie |