Transnational Meetings

Three transnational meetings have been arranged in this the first year of our Comenius Project.

The first was held in Bratislava from 4th – 9th December. All problems relating to the project were discussed and strategies for dealing with them agreed. The students of Vazovova 6(now called Gymnazium Jana Papanka) played a major role in entertaining the visitors and wonderful hospitality was shown by them and their parents.

The trip also involved many cultural events including a ballet, a music recital and the highlight - the musical "Dracula". We were amazed by the way even very young children appreciated these events.

The second meeting was held in Madrid from 12th – 17th March. The progress of the project was discussed and plans made for the final presentation of the year. The school, I.E.S. Margarita Salas, was very impressive and a lovely atmosphere prevailed throughout.

Our visit to Toledo was very enjoyable and the Prado Museum was wonderful.

The final meeting of the year is arranged for Dublin from 3rd – 9th May. St Aidan’s students have put a lot of work into preparing an exhibition of the project and this publication. It is hoped that plans will be initiated for an exchange of students some time in the next two years.

Details of this meeting will be in next year’s publication – all going well!

Copyright © 1999 St Aidans CBS
Last modified: May 29, 1999
