First Year Science Projects |
The Solar System Kevin Welsh, James Nugent, Lotfi Dridi, John Bridgeman We all kept our project very simple. We got pictures from Encarta and we wrote a lot about it. We wrote it in words that all people could understand. We laid it out on purple paper so it would stand out. It took us about 10 mins to stick our pictures and writing on. There were a lot of good projects there, ours would have been one of the best. |
The Frog Neil Hosey I did my project on the frog. And I also did it on my own. I got my information from encyclopaedias, books from the library and Encarta. It took me three and a half days to do the project and I have learned a lot of interesting things about the frog. I got my pictures from Encarta and the cartoon pictures were from Creative Writer 2, and if I win I will be very happy. |
The Solar System John Paul Cleary My Project is on the Solar System. It wasn't that hard to do. I got my information from my science book. I got the planets in Blanchardstown (shopping centre) I put it up on a yellow sheet in the GPA. |
Energy Brian Downes I did my project on energy because I wanted to do something different from what the rest of the class were doing. I got my information from encyclopaedias and old books. The pictures that I stuck on the project were also from old books. I found the project ion energy very interesting and I learned a lot by doing it. |
Solar System Paul Tuohy, John O'Neill, George Murphy We got the writing from encylcopedias and we printed the pictures from a computer and John O'Neill did the heading. Paul Tuohy and George Murphy did the layout of the poster. |
A Seven Day Account of the Science Project Colm McNally, Carl Batten, Brian Harnett Day 1 - Carl batten got the poster ready for the materials to be put on. Colm McNally got a design for the title. Day 2 - Brian Harnett got the matrials from the computer: printed sheets, pictures and facts about the soalr system. Colm McNally got a book with more pictures and facts. Day 3 - We rested and played the Playstation Day 4 - we cut the materials to the right size. Day 5 - We planned out the poster and were to print the sheets. Colm McNally cut one of this books up. Day 6 - We stuck the materials to the poster and made the title with a silver pen. We cut out pictures of planets and stuck them. We left it over at Colm's house that night. Day 7 - We went to school. We stuck it up on the wall. It looks good on the wall. I don't know if we will win - but fingers crossed. |
Cells, Tissues, Organs, Systems Seán Grogan My project is basically saying how many differnet typoes of cells there are and is also describing organs, tissues and systems. It is showing the parts on drawings. I got all the infoamtion from my scinece book and laid it out on an A1 sheet. |
The Solar System Barry Wood, Dessie Mhlanga We did work for the project on Encarta 98 and we got information from books. We got together and wrote down all the information. It took us two weeks to do it. On Wednesday we put the poster on the wall. We are just waiting for the marks. We enjoyed doing the project. |
Cells Colm Conlon My science project was a very successful venture on my part. I decided to do it on my own but I had it finished in a week. I learned a lot about my chosen part of science which was CELLS. I think it was very beneficial and an excellent idea |
Solar System Daniel Farrell, Barry Whelan, Tony Shanahan. My name is Daniel Farrell and this is an account of our first year science project. The name of our project is The Solar System. We got our information out of books and from our knowledge. We bought a black A1 sheet so it would look like it was in space. The teachers have judged the projects but will not tell us the results. We hope to get the results before the end of the week. |
Nuclear Weapons Graham Siwale, Colm O'Driscoll, Karl Sheridan I got my information from Encarta and encyclopaedias. How I did the poster: first we got a yellow sheet of paper then we stuck on all of our pages we wrote everything we had. |
The Solar System Graham Clinch, Christopher Cleary, John Bonham See I am really into space and I have a big poster of Solar System on my wall and it has loads of information on it about the planet. We also got some information from the book (science) encyclopaedia and Encarta. We didn't get this finish because I was out sick all last week and all the information was in my locker. |
Light Aiser Ibrahim, Kevin James, Andrew Ryan The project we have been working on is light. We did our project mostly during school We got information from books and encyclopaedias. We got pictures and articles from Encarta. All of the information was typed out. Our experiment was to construct a periscope from cardboard and two mirrors. It worked properly and everybody was interested in out project. We are proud of our work! |
Copyright © 1998 St Aidans CBS
Last modified: February 18, 1999