ICT as Political Action

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Websites as Graph

small logo

Websites as Graph

Principles of good design are important in developing a web site. Those principles are used in developing this multimedia thesis. Among the principles of design is the idea of carrying a theme throughout the site and this is often accomplished, in part, by the use of a logo which assists in branding the site. Often variations of the logo are used in different parts of the site. Such an approach has been taken with the multimedia thesis. But a novel approach has been taken to developing the logo. A web site analysis tool has been used to examine the web site and to create an image representing the structure of the web site.

very large website logo

Graph of www.iactaspoliticalaction.com

This may seem like a simple choice of logo. But the choice is important. The different colours and lines in the logo represent different elements of the web site and therefore of the thesis. The development of the logo is a combination of physics and art to produce an unusual representation of the web site and the thesis. One of the unusual elements is that it graphically shows the web of connections within the web site. You can see within the image that the different parts that make up the web site – which make up the thesis – are a little like fractals. Various parts are not the same but there are similarities. The image makes up the whole thesis but the thesis is made up of component parts which fit together in various ways. Although the components are the same throughout the web site they produce something different in various places. This is the living realisation of Bateson’s idea of patterns that connect (Bateson 2000). The pattern repeats itself throughout the logo and throughout the thesis, but the situations are different and the realisation is different. Within the logo and within the thesis the pattern is the constant – it is a novel creation. All of the parts of the thesis connect to make up the whole as all the parts of the image connect to make up the whole. Neither the thesis nor the image is an isolated happening; all the parts are linked to each other. The image is not static. Every person who contributes to the thesis by interacting with the web site enables the image to change. The thesis shows the types of patterns that are needed to connect. The multimedia thesis challenges the notion of how a thesis works and provides a completely different model of the thesis.

Websites as graphs Web sites as graphs are a result of a combination of science and art. The structure of the web site in terms of its components like links, tables. images and tags are represented in a visual form as nodes in a web. This is another representation of the web of connection.

What do the colours mean?
Blue: for links (the A tag)

Red: for tables (TABLE, TR and TD tags)
: for the DIV tag
violet: for images (the IMG tag)
yellow: for forms (FORM, INPUT, TEXTAREA, SELECT and OPTION tags)
orange: for line breaks and block quotes (BR, P, and BLOCKQUOTE tags)
black: the HTML tag, the root node
gray: all other tags

The Website as Graph is a concept and applet (computer programme) devised by Sala, a member of the Swiss band Phébus. Phébus are the developers of the web's first collective video Echoes. the video project is being developed because Phébus 'believe in the creativity of millions of people'.

The Websites as Graph applet allows you to supply the address of your web site, the applet then generates a web based on the elements of your web site.

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